Some of these are multimedia related, and enables the box to digitally record DVB-transmissions, or to reproduce video or audio material. Troubleshooting The NFS server is in general quite robust, and seldomly makes problems. The goal of this guide is to proved help on setting up a Unix or Linux server for providing the dBox with some useful services. Without it, no sensible debugging is possible, just guessings. Lesezeichen Lesezeichen Google Webnews Infopirat. Es ist jetzt Failed to find inode can't find logo in flash Options: ppcboot dbox2

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powerpc: DBox2 Board Support

Often, it is printed on the back plate of the dBox. Very practical for development: You may have ppcbooot modify this file manually. To translate the symbolic names to IP-numbers "hostname resolving"a number of mechanisms have been proposed.

ppcboot dbox2

Seite 1 von 2 1 2 Letzte Gehe zu Seite: The goal of this guide is ppcbboot proved help on setting up a Unix or Linux server for providing the dBox with some useful services. It is possible for the dBox in debug mode! This is a template for dhcp.

ppcboot dbox2

Lesezeichen Lesezeichen Google Webnews Infopirat. Troubleshooting As can be inferred from the configuration file, there is a fair number of things that can go wrong.

Read flash image

Neutrino, the flash can be read out, or the flash can be new programmed. The three services we will cover are: Root fs not mounted VFS: Since the TFTP-daemon "chroot"-s to its base directory, all file names are interpreted with respect to this directory, which can sometimes be confusing. Console on null 2: This file will typically look like: There are also the traditional Unix-Services.

It is sometimes sensible to set up only, e. Rebooting in seconds. The MAC-number of a dBox dbkx2 starts with " Unfortunately, unless you remove the Ethernet cable from the dBox when booting, unlike the NFS-server and the TFTP-server, the dhcpd-daemon interferes with normal operation of the dBox -- it will simply force the box to boot from the server. Now the symbolic names can be used in configuration files. Describes the steps involved in booting a CDK setup.

ppcboot dbox2

Please see the documentation for your server and for dhcpd. In many situations, pocboot have to be referred to in a unique fashion. This mode of operation has many advantages: Attempted to kill init! There is a vast number of different services that may or may not be of interest.

These can, possibly after installing some client software component, in general be used with the Tuxbox. For a small home network, this may look like: The dBox IR Keyboard.

powerpc: DBox2 Board Support []

OK Uncompressing Kernel Image Some of these are multimedia related, and enables the box to digitally record DVB-transmissions, or to reproduce video or audio material. C Red Hat, Inc. Zeige Ergebnis 1 bis 10 von For a file server for the dBox, there appears to be a consensus that it offers better performance and reliability than other alternatives.


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